The benefits of lab-grown diamonds : a little-known alternative

Lab-grown diamonds, often referred to as synthetic or cultured diamonds, often fall victim to the misconception of inauthenticity today. Despite being virtually identical to natural diamonds in every aspect, they remain undervalued by the jewelry industry. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as their mined counterparts, making it impossible even for expert jewelers to discern any difference between the two with the naked eye or a jeweler's loupe. In addition, lab-grown diamonds undergo the same rigorous grading and certification process as mined diamonds.

Crafted by expert hands in state-of-the-art laboratories, synthetic diamonds offer a host of advantages that are often overlooked by major jewelry brands and unknown to the public. The term "synthetic" further perpetuates the misconception surrounding their value, leading many to mistakenly believe that they are simply "fake" diamonds.

As responsible jewelers, we feel compelled to raise awareness of this extraordinary alternative. Lab-grown diamonds offer numerous social and environmental benefits: First, traditional diamond mining consumes a lot of water and fossil fuels. A natural diamond requires more than 476 liters of water per carat. In 2018, more than 147 million carats of diamonds were mined, consuming an immense volume of water. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds consume only 68 liters of water per carat, seven times less. They also use less energy, predominantly from renewable sources, and emit only 3 kg of carbon per carat compared to 56 kg for mined diamonds, a staggering 18-fold reduction. Lab-grown diamonds offer numerous advantages, including reduced energy and water consumption and lower costs for both producers and consumers. 

Sertissage d'un diamant sur une bague dans un atelier

In addition, lab-grown diamonds help prevent human rights abuses, such as the financing of armed conflicts in Africa through "blood diamonds". The 2006 film "Blood Diamond" drew attention to the problem of illegally mined and sold diamonds in war zones. This practice, which was widespread in the 1990s, often resulted in the exploitation of miners and their families. Although the Kimberley Process was created in 2003 to certify diamonds and suppress the trade in conflict diamonds, loopholes remain, making ethical alternatives such as lab-grown diamonds necessary.

Finally, cultured diamonds offer unparalleled versatility. Created in controlled environments rather than being subject to fluctuating natural conditions, they allow to produce rare, uniquely colored, high-quality pieces due to the precision of the manufacturing process.

When shopping, it is essential to consider eco-friendly alternatives. At AGUAdeORO, we help our customers make informed decisions by meticulously evaluating all available options and selecting those that conform to our ethical values. We strongly advocate lab-grown diamonds, an undervalued but more ethical and socially responsible option.

assortiment de bagues de diamants de culture

Assortment of cultured diamond rings.

Technological advances now allow for significant changes in the jewelry world, but being ethical is still a choice. What will yours be ?

We are proud to be the first and only Swiss jeweler to promote change by offering ethical alternatives. Join the movement by choosing responsibly.



A Swiss jewelry house using responsible materials since 2009.

Luxury is about heritage. But not if it means robbing others of their future.


Bonjour Madame Matthey,

Merci infiniment pour votre intérêt concernant nos créations.

Nos bijoux sont confectionnés avec des pierres de laboratoire, en accord avec notre démarche éthique. Le prix d’un diamant varie selon sa taille. Les diamants de culture coûtent au moins 30% de moins que les diamants de mine, avec un écart qui augmente pour les grosses pierres. L’augmentation du nombre de laboratoires rend les pierres de culture plus abordables. En revanche, les cartels diamantaires restreignent l’offre de diamants de mine pour en créer une fausse rareté.

Nous serons ravis de vous recevoir dans l’une de nos boutiques à Genève ou à Zurich afin de vous présenter nos bagues de fiançailles et restons à votre disposition pour toute demande d’information complémentaire,

L’équipe AGUAdeORO

AGUAdeORO June 27, 2024


est-ce que tous vos diamants sont des diamants de laboratoire? Je serai intéressée à voir des diamants de laboratoire pour une bague de fiançailles. Pouvez-vous m’indiquer la différence de prix des diamants de mine comparés aux diamants de laboratoire?

Merci d’avance.

Coraline MATTHEY June 25, 2024

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