Swiss athletes wear our Jewellery

It's no longer a secret: on July 26th 2024, the opening ceremony of the awaited Paris Olympic Games will begin! To celebrate the occasion, ELLE Suisse magazine has put the spotlight on the women who will be representing our beautiful Swiss colours. We are privileged to see four of them adopting AGUAdeORO jewellery in the cover of this special edition, combining sporting performance with the elegance of our ethical and responsible jewels honored wonderfully by our athletes.

Pauline Brunner (standing on the left), a seasoned fencer from Neuchâtel, is donning The Fancy Ice Skating Girl.  

Sarah Atcho (standing in the center), a sprint star from Lausanne, is wearing our Pink Pearl Necklace

Manuela Schär (sitting on the left), marathon world champion in 2013 and double Paralympic medallist from Lucerne, is adorned with our famous The Ice Skating Girl

Nikita Ducarroz (sitting on the right), a freestyle BMX cyclist from Geneva and Olympic silver medallist in Tokyo, is wearing one of our necklaces made from Fairtrade gold.

If wearing the colours of a flag during international events is a powerful symbol, the same goes for the jewelry athletes choose to wear. We wish our champions every success at these Paris games! 

Founded in 2009, AGUAdeORO is a jewellery store based in Geneva and Zurich, offering its customers the opportunity to buy ethical jewellery made in Switzerland. Our aim is to offer jewellery that combines sustainable development and elegance.

(Photo Credit : ELLE Magazine)

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